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USEtox DTU Summer School 2016

Summer School
Characterizing human toxicity and ecotoxicity with the scientific consensus model USEtox: Theory and practical application

When? 27-June to 1-July 2016
Where? Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby Campus, Denmark
Credits? 5 ECTS (PhD level)
Costs? Professionals: 1800 Euro
(A limited number of fellowships is available for participants from low-income countries.)
Students (proof required): 300 Euro
Program? Download draft program
Contact? Peter Fantke, Phone: +45 4525 4452,
Further info? See official USEtox Summer School website

Learning objectives

  • Explain and apply exposure science methods used in life-cycle and comparative risk assessments
  • Use and evaluate basic tools for mass-balance, fate modeling, intake fraction, and effect factor estimation
  • Review underlying model assumptions
  • Evaluate data needs along with data and knowledge gaps in toxicity assessments
  • Explain the scientific fundamentals of chemical impact assessment for a broad range of environmental emissions
  • Perform your own assessment using the USEtox scientific consensus model and interpret results
  • Find data sources, implement new substances into USEtox, and modify existing modules
  • Discuss applicability and limitations of USEtox model, data and results in different application fields including life cycle assessment, product environmental footprinting and comparative risk assessment


Participants/students will have hands-on access to all model, data, documentation and reading files during the course and will be able to take all files back home. New substances will be characterized and participants/students may bring their own list of substances of interest for the exercises.