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countries included in regions and subregions

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Julouve's picture
countries included in regions and subregions
I would like to know more about the sub-regions and regions in USEtox but I can't find the information I need. Do you know where I can find a list of the different countries included in USEtox's 8 continental regions? I know that the 17 sub-regions have been grouped into the 8 continental regions, but which one is in which continent? 
Thank you for your help!
USEtox Team
USEtox Team's picture
USEtox regional parameterization

The underlying study that was used to parameterize the USEtox continental and sub-continental regions is Kounina et al. 2014. However, countries belonging to each of these regions are only listed in an underlying PhD thesis, namely Shaked et al. 2011* (Table A.2.1). Since this thesis is not publicly available, the relevant table is included below.

*Shaked, S., 2011. Multi-Continental Multimedia Model of Pollutant Intake and Application to Impacts of Global Emissions and Globally Traded Goods. University of MIchigan, Ann Arbor.

Julouve's picture

Thank you for your help! Just to let you know, the European countries from A to G seem to be missing in the table.